The Man From Nowhere (2010)
An ex-special agent CHA Tae-shik's only connection to the rest of the world is a little girl, So-mi, who lives nearby. Her mother, Hyo-jeong smuggles drugs from a drug trafficking organization and entrusts Tae-shik with the product, without letting him know. The traffickers find out about her smuggling and kidnap both Hyo-jeong and So-mi. The gang promises to release them if Tae-shik makes a delivery for them, however it actually is a larger plot to eliminate a rival drug ring leader. When Hyo-jeon's disemboweled body is discovered, Tae-shik realizes that So-mi's life may also be in danger. Tae-shik becomes enraged at the prospect that So-mi may already be dead and prepares for a battle, putting his own life at risk.
Haq (2010) PPVRip 700MB - Mediafire Link
Please Click the Title for Free Download. U also can download others movie there.
Khurafat 2011 - Mediafire Link
Filem ini mengisahkan tentang Johan yang bekerja sebagai salah seorang pembantu perubatan dan baru sahaja berkahwin dengan seorang wanita bernama Aishah. Pada permulaannya mereka hidup bahagia tetapi hari demi hari kebahagiaan mereka mula terhakis dek daripada gangguan misteri yang sering mengganggu mereka sepanjang masa.
Sucker Punch (2011) - Mediafire
A young girl is institutionalized by her wicked stepfather. Retreating to an alternative reality as a coping strategy, she envisions a plan which will help her escape from the facility.
World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles (2011) DVDrip-XViD - Mediafire
For years, there have been documented cases of UFO sightings around the world – Buenos Aires, Seoul, France, Germany, China. But in 2011, what were once just sightings will become a terrifying reality when Earth is attacked by unknown forces. As people everywhere watch the world’s great cities fall, Los Angeles becomes the last stand for mankind in a battle no one expected. It’s up to a Marine staff sergeant (Eckhart) and his new platoon to draw a line in the sand as they take on an enemy unlike any they’ve ever encountered before.
I Am Number Four (2011) Exclusive Clip 720p HD Trailer Mediafire
Three are dead. He is Number Four. D.J. Caruso (“Eagle Eye,” “Disturbia”) helms an action-packed thriller about an extraordinary young man, John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), who is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri (Timothy Olyphant), John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events—his first love (Dianna Agron), powerful new abilities and a connection to the others who share his incredible destiny.
Beastly (2010) 450MB Mediafire
Seventeen year old Kyle (Alex Pettyfer) is the spoiled, shallow and incredibly popular prince of his high school kingdom. Entirely captivated and empowered by his own physical appearance, Kyle foolishly chooses Kendra (Mary-Kate Olsen), a witch masquerading as a high school student, as his latest target for humiliation. Unfazed by his cruel behavior, Kendra decides to teach him a lesson – she transforms him into someone as unattractive on the outside as he is on the inside. Now he has one year to find someone who can see past the surface and love him, or he will remain “Beastly” forever. His only hope, a quiet classmate he never noticed named Lindy (Vanessa Hudgens), may be his best chance to prove that love is never ugly..
Elite Squad 2 (2010) Download Mediafire
Thе Elite Squad 2 рƖοt resolves around thе maturing Lt Col. Nascimento, whο, аftеr a disastrous BOPE operation οn a prison riot, gets caught іn a bloody political dispute thаt involves nοt οnƖу thе Public Safety Departament, thе State governor аnԁ State Military Police, bυt аƖѕο paramilitary groups known аѕ milícias. Thе movie аƖѕο shows thе family issues οf Nascimento, wіth hіѕ now adolescent son gradually moving away frοm hіm due tο hіѕ job аnԁ thе influence οf hіѕ stepfather.
3 Hati 2 Dunia 1 Cinta (2010) DVDRip
Rosid, pemuda muslim yang idealis dan terobsesi menjadi seniman besar seperti WS Rendra. Gaya seniman Rosid dengan rambut kribonya membuat Mansur, sang ayah, gusar karena tidak mungkin bagi Rosid untuk memakai peci. Padahal peci—bagi Mansur—adalah lambang kesalehan dan kesetiaan kepada tradisi keagamaan. Bagi Rosid, bukan sekadar kribonya yang membuatnya tidak mungkin memakai peci, melainkan karena Rosid tidak ingin keberagamaannya dicampur-baur oleh sekadar tradisi leluhur yang disakralkan.
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
A feature length documentary work which presents a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical "life ground" attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a "Resource-Based Economy"..
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Murid Taska Parah Diseret Van!
Dahsyatnya Hari Kiamat Dan Padang Mahsyar
✐ Selepas Malaikat Israfil meniup sangkakala (bentuknya seperti tanduk besar) yang memekakkan telinga, seluruh makhluk mati kecuali Izrail & beberapa malaikat yang lain. Selepas itu, Izrail pun mencabut nyawa malaikat yang tinggal dan akhirnya nyawanya sendiri.
✐ Selepas semua makhluk mati, Tuhan pun berfirman mafhumnya "Kepunyaan siapakah kerajaan hari ini?" Tiada siapa yang menjawab. Lalu Dia sendiri menjawab dengan keagunganNya "Kepunyaan Allah Yang Maha Esa lagi Maha Perkasa." Ini menunjukkan kebesaran & keagunganNya sebagai Tuhan yg Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Kekal Hidup, tidak mati.
✐ Selepas 40 tahun, Malaikat Israfil a.s. dihidupkan, seterusnya meniup sangkakala untuk kali ke-2, lantas seluruh makhluk hidup semula di atas bumi putih, berupa padang Mahsyar (umpama padang Arafah) yang rata tidak berbukit atau bulat seperti bumi.
✐ Sekelian manusia hidup melalui benih anak Adam yg disebut "Ajbuz Zanbi" yang berada di hujung tulang belakang mereka. Hiduplah manusia umpama anak pokok yang kembang membesar dari biji benih.
✐ Semua manusia dan jin dibangkitkan dalam keadaan telanjang dan hina. Mereka tidak rasa malu kerana pada ketika itu hati mereka sangat takut dan bimbang tentang nasib & masa depan yang akan mereka hadapi kelak.
✐ Lalu datanglah api yang berterbangan dengan bunyi seperti guruh yang menghalau manusia, jin dan binatang ke tempat perhimpunan besar. Bergeraklah mereka menggunakan tunggangan (bagi yang banyak amal), berjalan kaki (bagi yang kurang amalan) dan berjalan dengan muka (bagi yang banyak dosa). Ketika itu, ibu akan lupakan anak, suami akan lupakan isteri, setiap manusia sibuk memikirkan nasib mereka.
✐ Setelah semua makhluk dikumpulkan, matahari dan bulan dihapuskan cahayanya, lalu mereka tinggal dalam kegelapan tanpa cahaya. Berlakulah huru-hara yang amat dahsyat.
✐ Tiba-tiba langit yang tebal pecah dengan bunyi yang dahsyat, lalu turunlah malaikat sambil bertasbih kepada Allah SWT. Seluruh makhluk terkejut melihat saiz malaikat yang besar dan suaranya yang menakutkan.
✐ Kemudian matahari muncul semula dengan kepanasan yang berganda. Hingga dirasakan seakan-akan matahari berada sejengkal dari atas kepala mereka. Ulama berkata jika matahari naik di bumi seperti keadaannya naik dihari Kiamat nescaya seluruh bumi terbakar, bukit-bukau hancur dan sungai menjadi kering. Lalu mereka rasai kepanasan dan bermandikan peluh sehingga peluh mereka menjadi lautan. Timbul atau tenggelam mereka bergantung pada amalan masing-masing. Keadaan mereka berlanjutan sehingga 1000 tahun.
✐ Terdapat satu telaga kepunyaan Nabi Muhammad SAW bernama Al-Kausar yang mengandungi air yang hanya dapat diminum oleh orang mukmin sahaja. Orang bukan mukmin akan dihalau oleh malaikat yang menjaganya. Jika diminum airnya tidak akan haus selama-lamanya. Kolam ini berbentuk segi empat tepat sebesar satu bulan perjalanan. Bau air kolam ini lebih harum dari kasturi, warnanya lebih putih dari susu dan rasanya lebih sejuk dari embun. Ia mempunyai saluran yang mengalir dari syurga.
✐ Semua makhluk berada bawah cahaya matahari yang terik kecuali 7 golongan yang mendapat teduhan dari Arasy. Mereka ialah:
ⅰ- Pemimpin yang adil.
ⅱ- Orang muda yang taat kepada perintah Allah.
ⅲ- Lelaki yang terikat hatinya dengan masjid.
ⅳ- Dua orang yang bertemu kerana Allah dan berpisah kerana Allah.
ⅴ- Lelaki yang diajak oleh wanita berzina, tetapi dia menolak dengan berkata "Aku takut pada Allah".
ⅵ- Lelaki yg bersedekah dengan bersembunyi (tidak diketahui orang ramai).
ⅶ- Lelaki yang suka bersendirian mengingati Allah lalu mengalir air matanya kerana takutkan Allah.
✐ Oleh kerana tersangat lama menunggu di padang mahsyar, semua manusia tidak tahu berbuat apa melainkan mereka yang beriman, kemudian mereka terdengar suara "pergilah berjumpa dengan para Nabi". Maka mereka pun pergi mencari para Nabi. Pertama sekali kumpulan manusia ini berjumpa dengan Nabi Adam tetapi usaha mereka gagal kerana Nabi Adam a.s menyatakan beliau juga ada melakukan kesalahan dengan Allah SWT. Maka kumpulan besar itu kemudiannya berjumpa Nabi Nuh a.s., Nabi Ibrahim a.s., Nabi Musa a.s., Nabi Isa a.s. (semuanya memberikan sebab seperti Nabi Adam a.s.) dan akhirnya mereka berjumpa Rasullullah SAW. Jarak masa antara satu nabi dengan yang lain adalah 1000 tahun perjalanan.
✐ Lalu berdoalah baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW ke hadrat Allah SWT. Lalu diperkenankan doa baginda.
✐ Selepas itu, terdengar bunyi pukulan gendang yang kuat hingga menakutkan hati semua makhluk kerana mereka sangka azab akan turun. Lalu terbelah langit, turunlah arasy Tuhan yang dipikul oleh 8 orang malaikat yang sangat besar (besarnya sejarak perjalanan 20 ribu tahun) sambil bertasbih dengan suara yang amat kuat sehingga 'Arasy itu tiba dibumi.
✐ 'Arasy ialah jisim nurani yang amat besar berbentuk kubah (bumbung bulat) yang mempunyai 4 batang tiang yang sentiasa dipikul oleh 4 orang malaikat yang besar dan gagah. Dalam bahasa mudah ia seumpama istana yang mempunyai seribu bilik yang menempatkan jutaan malaikat di dalamnya. Ia dilingkungi embun yang menghijab cahayanya yang sangat kuat.
✐ Kursi iaitu jisim nurani yang terletak di hadapan Arasy yang dipikul oleh 4 orang malaikat yang sangat besar. Saiz kursi lebih kecil dari 'Arasy umpama cincin ditengah padang . Dalam bahasa mudah ia umpama singgahsana yang terletak dihadapan istana.
✐ Seluruh makhluk pun menundukkan kepala kerana takut. Lalu dimulakan timbangan amal. Ketika itu berterbanganlah kitab amalan masing-masing turun dari bawah Arasy menuju ke leher pemiliknya tanpa silap dan tergantunglah ia sehingga mereka dipanggil untuk dihisab. Kitab amalan ini telah ditulis oleh malaikat Hafazhah / Raqib & 'Atid / Kiraman Katibin.
✐ Manusia beratur dalam saf mengikut Nabi dan pemimpin masing- masing. Orang kafir & munafik beratur bersama pemimpin mereka yang zalim. Setiap pengikut ada tanda mereka tersendiri untuk dibezakan.
✐ Umat yang pertama kali dihisab adalah umat Nabi Muhammad SAW, dan amalan yang pertama kali dihisab adalah solat. Sedangkan hukum yang pertama kali diputuskan adalah perkara pertumpahan darah.
✐ Apabila tiba giliran seseorang hendak dihisab amalannya, malaikat akan mencabut kitab mereka lalu diserahkan, lalu pemiliknya mengambil dengan tangan kanan bagi orang mukmin dan dengan tangan kiri jika orang bukan mukmin.
✐ Semua makhluk akan dihisab amalan mereka menggunakan satu Neraca Timbangan. Saiznya amat besar, mempunyai satu tiang yang mempunyai lidah dan 2 daun. Daun yang bercahaya untuk menimbang pahala dan yang gelap untuk menimbang dosa.
✐ Acara ini disaksikan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW dan para imam 4 mazhab untuk menyaksikan pengikut masing-masing dihisab.
✐ Perkara pertama yang diminta ialah Islam. Jika dia bukan Islam, maka seluruh amalan baiknya tidak ditimbang bahkan amalan buruk tetap akan ditimbang.
✐ Ketika dihisab, mulut manusia akan dipateri, tangan akan berkata- kata, kaki akan menjadi saksi. Tiada dolak-dalih dan hujah tipuan. Semua akan di adili oleh Allah Ta'ala dengan Maha Bijaksana.
✐ Setelah amalan ditimbang, mahkamah Mahsyar dibuka kepada orang ramai untuk menuntut hak masing-masing dari makhluk yang sedang dibicara sehinggalah seluruh makhluk berpuas hati dan dibenarkannya menyeberangi titian sirat.
✐ Syafaat Nabi Muhammad SAW di akhirat :
ⅰ- Meringankan penderitaan makhluk di Padang Mahsyar dengan mempercepatkan hisab.
ⅱ- Memasukkan manusia ke dalam syurga tanpa hisab.
ⅲ- Mengeluarkan manusia yang mempunyai iman sebesar zarah dari neraka.
(Semua syafaat ini tertakluk kepada keizinan Allah SWT.)
✐ Para nabi dan rasul serta golongan khawas juga diberikan izin oleh Tuhan untuk memberi syafaat kepada para pengikut mereka. Mereka ini berjumlah 70 000. Setiap seorang dari mereka akan mensyafaatkan 70 000 orang yang lain.
✐ Setelah berjaya dihisab, manusia akan mula berjalan menuju syurga melintasi jambatan sirat. Siratul Mustaqim ialah jambatan (titian) yang terbentang dibawahnya neraka. Lebar jambatan ini adalah seperti sehelai rambut yang dibelah tujuh dan ia lebih tajam dari mata pedang. Bagi orang mukmin ia akan dilebarkan dan dimudahkan menyeberanginya.
✐ Fudhail bin Iyadh berkata perjalanan di Sirat memakan masa 15000 tahun. 5000 tahun menaik, 5000 tahun mendatar dan 5000 tahun menurun. Ada makhluk yang melintasinya seperti kilat, seperti angin, menunggang binatang korban dan berjalan kaki. Ada yang tidak dapat melepasinya disebabkan api neraka sentiasa menarik kaki mereka, lalu mereka jatuh ke dalamnya.
✐ Para malaikat berdiri di kanan dan kiri sirat mengawasi setiap makhluk yang lalu. Setiap 1000 orang yang meniti sirat, hanya seorang sahaja yang Berjaya melepasinya. 999 orang akan terjatuh ke dalam neraka.
Rujukan: Kitab Aqidatun Najin karangan Syeikh Zainal Abidin Muhammad Al- Fathani. Pustaka Nasional Singapura 2004.
☞ Jika sekiranya kalian ingin mengumpul saham akhirat, sampaikanlah ilmu ini kepada sahabat² yang lain. Sepertimana sabda Rasulullah SAW: ❝ Sampaikanlah pesananku walaupun satu ayat. ❞ Sesungguhnya apabila matinya seseorang anak Adam itu, hanya 3 perkara yang akan dibawanya bersama :
① Sedekah/amal jariahnya.
② Doa anak²nya yang soleh.
③ Ilmu yang bermanfaat yang disampaikannya kepada orang lain.
Kenali Bakteria Staphylococcus
Bakteria ini, jika dilihat melalui mikroskop, seperti kumpulan anggur ataupun seperti buah berry. Tengok gambar tu, macam buah anggur kan? Jadi lepas ni jangan pula takut untuk memakan buah anggur ya. Anggur ..ferghh sedap banyak vitamin C dan biji anggur juga banyak vitamin. Biji anggur jika diproses menjadi minyak, minyaknya boleh diminum begitu sahaja, boleh menjadi ubat untuk berbagai penyakit. Jadi jika memakan anggur, makanlah dengan biji-bijinya sekali. hahaha
Ok, kita sambung lagi..Bakteria ini biasanya boleh didapati di dalam hidung dan pada kulit (biasanya jarang terdapat di lokasi lain). Ianya hidup didalam hidung orang dewasa yang sihat kira-kira 25 hingga 30% orang yang mengalaminya. Dalam kebanyakan kes, bakteria ini tidak menyebabkan penyakit. Walaubagaimana pun, jika tidak diambil perhatian pada kebersihan kulit terutamanya kudis, bisul, atau pun luka-luka kecil yang tidak dirawat sehingga bernanah akan membenarkan bakteria ini mengatasi mekanisme perlindungan semula jadi tubuh, yang boleh membawa kemudaratan. Jadi, jangan sekali-kali menganggap luka kecil tidak membawa apa-apa kemudratan untuk jangka masa panjang.
Lagi, jangan ingat bahawa bekteria ini hanya mengenali orang dewasa sahaja. Staphylococcus, tidak mengenali usia seseorang, jadi sesiapa sahaja terdedah termasuk bayi yang baru lahir, wanita yang menyusukan bayi serta orang yang mempunyai system imun yang lemah.
Staphylococcus boleh berjangkit melalui hubungan secara langsung dengan penyakit atau dengan barangan penjagaan peribadi seperti pisau cukur, jarum suntikan, pembalut luka dan lain-lain yang berkaitan denganya. Perhubungan kasual seperti mencium atau memeluk tidak mendatangkan resiko yang besar jika tidak tersentuh secara langsung di kawasan luka atau kudis yang bernanah itu.
Apakah gejala dan tanda-tanda jangikatan Staph ini?
Apakah makanan kegemaran Staphylococcus? Adakah ia berkongsi makanan dengan kita?
Jika terlewat post, bolehlah baca disini.
BERSIH 2.0 Debat Dengan SPR- 26 Julai 2011
SPR gagal sebagai satu badan bebasa yang dinamakan "suruhanjaya". SPR gagal dan mencemuh lapan (8) perkara asa yang dituntut oleh BERSIH 2.0. Dan yang lebih jahat lagi menuduh BERSIH 2.0 sebagai "KOMINIS" oleh kerajaan BN/UMNO.
Namun semuanya bakal terjawap pada 26 Julai 2011 (Selasa). SPR dikatakan menerima untuk "berdebat" bersama Datuk Ambiga pengerusi BERSIH 2.0. Jelas BERSIH 2.0 dan Ambiga sememangnya berada dpehak yang benar.
BERSIH 2.0 dan Ambiga membawa bersama tuntutan lapan (8) perkara asa untuk SPR melaksnakan pilihanrya yang adil dan bebasa rasuah. Bersama dipapar semula tuntutan BERSIH 2.0 sperti berikut:-
Namun apakah pertemuan di antara Ambiga dengan lapan tuntutan bersih dan wakil SPR Wan Ahmad Wan Omar menerima tuntanBERSIH 2.0?. Jawapannya pasti TIDAK.
Dicadangkan kepada kerajaan BN/UMNO pertemuan diantara Ambiga dan SPR perlu disiarkan secara lansung disemua saluran tv Malaysia. Kerana rakyat ingin tahu siapa yang sebenarnya penipu atau bermuka dua.
Saya dan seluruh peserta BERSIH 2.0 serta rakyat Malaysia yang perihatin boleh memberi jawapan sebelum pertemuan atau debat Ambiga dengan SPR atau Wan Ahmad Wan Omar tidak akan menerima tuntutan BERSIH 2.0 lapan perkara.
Jawapannya mudah SPR adalah satu cawangan dan keldai UMNO/BN. Cakap SPR tidak boleh pakai. Kerana setiap patah perkatan dari pengerusi dan Wan Ahmad perlu dirujuk kepada perdana menteri dan kabinet Najib Imelda Rosmah.
Sejarah terbukti SPR tidak adil dan menyebelahi kerajaan BN/UMNO. *****uh terbaik persempadanan semula tidakberlaku kepada Negeri Kelantan Kedah dan Terengganu. Semua negeri yang lain berlaku persempadanan semula.
Walau apa pun pertemuan atau debat Ambiga pengerusi BERSIH 2.0 dengan SPR @ Wan Ahmad Wan Omar menjadi kenyataan. SPR jangan penipu dan pembelit selepas pertemuan dengan pengerusi BERSIH 2.0."
E-book : Photoshop for the Web
You first learn how to set preferences that decrease file size and how to load a browser-safe palette. Next you clean up and resize photos destined for Web output, adjust contrast levels, and improve images that you’ve output from video files and digital cameras. In helping you turn your existing images into Web images, the author discusses GIF and JPEG file formats, indexing, dithering, and browser-safe colors.
He teaches you how to create GIFs from scratch and work with transparencies to create special effects. He also teaches you how to create JPEG images, fine-tune compression settings, work with gray-scale images, and convert GIF images to JPEG. In subsequent chapters you learn how to create backgrounds; add interesting, readable type; design buttons and other navigational elements; convert raster images to vector images; and use Photoshop to perfect Web-page layouts. Appendices discuss the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format and present information on third-party software programs that complement Photoshop and aid Web-image production. –Kathleen Caster –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Product Description
Photoshop for the Web shows you how to use the world’s most popular imaging software to create Web graphics and images that look great and download blazingly fast. The book is crammed full of step-by-step examples and real-world solutions from some of the country’s hottest Web producers, including HotWired, c|net,Discovery Online, Second Story, SFGate, and more than 20 others.
* Using Photoshop as a Web layout tool
* Making graphics and images leap from the screen
* Techniques for optimizing GIFs and JPEGs
* Avoiding the dreaded “halo” effect
* Improving digital photographs
* Working with browser-safe colors to create stunning images regardless of platform or hardware
* Quickly building Web backgrounds, buttons, and graphical type
* Avoiding color shifts when importing vector images
MKV Converter Studio v2.0.2
VLC Media Player v1.1.10
Driver Checker v2.7.4
Folder Lock 6.6.0.Incl.Serial
It is Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000/NT/Me/98/98S compatible and works on all kinds of disk types like FAT16, FAT32, NTFS. Folder Lock is the most downloaded file-security program in the market today.
Xilisoft Movie Maker v6.0.4.1224 x86-x64
Almost all videos are supported including camcorder videos (MTS, M2TS), HD videos (HD AVI, HD MPEG-2/4, HD VOB, HD, WMV), and common videos (AVI, 3GP, M4V, MPEG, MP4, RM, RMVB, FLV, DV, VOB, SWF, MPV, MOV, QT, H.261/H.264, DAT, ASF, WMV). Upload your movies online, email them to friends or enjoy them on your computer, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP/PS3, Xbox, Zune, PMP, mobile phones, Wii, and DSi. With Xilisoft Movie Maker, you are never short of ways to create, edit, and share your masterpieces. You can simply drag and drop videos to the movie list and make a movie quickly using this movie creator.
With the movie editing feature, you can add subtitles and watermarks, apply transitions, change the video image, as well as attach music and crop the video.
- Fastest movie-maker: create from HD, camcorder, and common videos
- Edit videos: clip and trim videos, crop video images
- Enhance videos: add scene transitions, audio tracks, subtitles
- Add effects: apply artistic effects, add watermarks, and change image effects
Make Movies and Save Them in Any Popular Format
- Make a Movie from Multiple Videos. Select as many videos as you want and turn them into one movie. A lot of output video formats you can choose to fit your device include popular video formats such as AVI, 3GP, MPEG, MP4, RM, FLV, SWF, MOV, H.261/H.264), or HD videos such as HD AVI, HD MPEG-2/4, HD VOB, HD WMV.
- A Multitude of Video Formats. Almost all videos formats are supported including camcorder videos, HD videos, QuickTime videos, Real Media files. Supported input video formats: MTS, M2TS, HD AVI, HD MPEG-2/4, HD VOB, HD WMV, AVI, 3GP, M4V, MPEG, MP4, RM, RMVB, FLV, DV, VOB, SWF, MPV, MOV, QT, H.261/H.264, DAT, ASF, WMV.
- Fast Movie Creation. Make movies with the fastest speed possible without adding any effects.
Different Copies With Different Effects - Keep every record of your movie editing experience
- Create Video Copies. Create a new copy of the video every time you add an effect. Each copy is independent and can be edited separately.
- Clip and Trim Videos. Clip your video and retain the desired clips to make movies the way you want them to. Every video clip can be exported to the movie list as a single video. Alternatively, merge several of them together and export them as a new video.
- Crop Video Display Area. Simply drag the mouse pointer or specify the crop area size to crop a video image and remove black edges, logos, subtitles or any other bits you want to remove.
Enrich Your Movies with Special Effects
- Add Scene Transitions. To make your movies look even more professional, select from multiple transitions (slide, fade, squeeze, push, reveal, expand, shrink). You can also preview them in the preview panel.
- Add Subtitles and Audio. Do not understand the accent? Add subtitles to your movie to help understand your movie easier. What mood do you want your movie to show? Add different types of music and sound effects to make your movie vivid and full of energy.
- Add Watermarks and Apply Effects. Add copyrights to your movies with logos and texts to prevent unauthorized use.
Apply one or more artistic effects and adjust contrast, brightness, and saturation to keep your movies varied.
High Speed, High Efficiency - Save resources, time, and energy
- Support Multi-Core CPU. Xilisoft Movie Maker can automatically detect your CPU. You can also specify the core number to improve efficiency.
- Set Video and Audio Parameters. Besides adding effects, you can also adjust general parameters like resolution, channel, and quality to make your movies perfect in every way.
- Work in the Background. Leave the movie making process running in the background to minimize CPU usage and easily run other applications at the same time.
- Post Movie Making Actions. Shut down, hibernate your system, switch it to stand by, or close the application after the movie making process is completed so you don’t have wait in front of your system.
OS: Microsoft® Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Windows 7
Note: Complete silent installers and registered
Opera v11.11.2109 Final x86 x64
Opera started out as a research project in Norway's largest telecom company, Telenor, in 1994, and branched out into an independent development company named Opera Software ASA in 1995. Opera Software develops the Opera Web browser, a high-quality, multi-platform product for a wide range of platforms, operating systems and embedded Internet products.
Opera is known as the fastest and smallest full-featured browser, a first choice for people using older PCs and Windows 95 and a brilliant alternative to the default IE from Microsoft. Opera, first of all, is client World Wide Web, that is the program for extraction of the information from WWW as the documents created with help HyperText Markup Language (language of a marking of hypertext HTML). Low requirements to resources of system. MDI the interface. You can open without special expenses of memory any quantity of windows inside one working window, having chosen thus a tabulared or cascade mode.
- Lightning fast. Make your web browsing faster. Everything from loading webpages to opening tabs is optimized to happen almost instantly. You can even speed up browsing on slow connections, with Opera Turbo.
- Safe and secure. Reduce your exposure to threats on the Web. Industry-leading security and features such as Fraud and Malware Protection and a security bar, ensure your safety.
- Easy to use. Fly through webpages by using thoughtfully-designed features. You can search directly from the address field or launch your favorite pages with one click using Speed Dial.
- Innovative and powerful. Get the most from the Web with great features such as custom search, mouse gestures and Find in Page, to help you find content on long pages.
Opera is fast. From the way pages load, to the handy ways you can perform common actions more quickly, this browser has been built for speed. When using slow connections such as crowded WiFi or dial-up, turning on Opera Turbo can more than double webpage-loading speed. With Opera, you will spend less time waiting and more time enjoying the Web.
Opera's designers put great thought into making browsing enjoyable with less effort. It is simple to search – just type your query into the address field. Getting to your favorite sites could not be easier, thanks to the Speed Dial that beautifully shows your selection of websites and launches them with one click. When you use a mobile phone, or another computer, Opera Link also keeps your bookmarks synchronized and lets you use them from everywhere.
Opera is packed with useful features that allow you to get more out of surfing. When downloading files, a sophisticated download manager lets you keep track of them, and even works with BitTorrent. You can use content blocking to stop annoying or offensive content from interrupting your browsing. You can also use the flexible Opera Mail client that integrates email with your browsing experience.
If you like to control of the look and feel of your computer, Opera is perfect for you. With unmatched flexibility, you can control the location of most of Opera's controls. You can also choose from different skins to customize the appearance of your browser. Additionally, many handy applications, called widgets are available to add additional functionality, while you can use Opera Unite to share files and pictures right from your computer.
Fraud and Malware Protection built into Opera helps you to stay safe and avoid sites that can compromise your security. Private browsing ensures that you leave no surfing trail. You can also stay in control of your cookies, removing them with ease. Opera has an impeccable security record, and its auto-update feature ensures that you have the latest, most secure browser available.
Opera has a lot to offer users and developers alike. Geolocation is now supported, HTML5 and CSS3 are a given and Opera leads the way in javascript compliance. Opera also includes the Opera Dragonfly debugging tool.
Top features:
- Mouse gestures. Perform common browser actions easily with quick movements of your mouse.
- Opera Turbo. Speed up browsing on slow connections by compressing webpages before downloading them.
- Speed Dial. Access your favorite webpages instantly with a single click.
- Opera Link. Synchronize data of your choice online or across different computers and devices.
- Customization. Change the layout of buttons and toolbars, or choose from many beautiful skins.
- Zoom. View webpages at a comfortable size with a best-in-class zoom.
- Opera Mail. Our built-in mail client lets you efficiently manage your email right from within Opera.
- Widgets. Handy, extra programs can be added to provide direct access to resources, tools, or games.
- Opera Unite. With only a few clicks you can share photos, music, and more – right from your computer.
- Integrated Web search. Search the Web directly from the address field by simply typing in your search term.
- Content blocking. Control your view of webpages by easily removing annoying images, animations and content.
- Sophisticated tabs. See your open webpages easily with visual tabs, or use private tabs to protect your privacy.
With the Opera 11, you can personalize your browser with all your pet features and functionality. From now on, it is you who defines the best experience with the Opera browser.
Our focus when building an extension mechanism has been to enable closer integration with web pages and web applications, and we look forward to see what the creative developer community will come up with.
Opera Presto 2.6.37
Opera 11 alpha is not only about extensions. We equipped it with the brand new Opera Presto 2.6.37 with improved performance, hundreds of bug fixes, enhancements in Web Standards support and support for Websockets.
A new installer
At Opera we love speed and like to make everything fast, not only the browser but also the installation of Opera. Opera 11 will ship with a new installer for Windows. The installation/upgrading is now twice as fast, and the installer download is about 10% smaller. Off course we'll optimize it even further in future builds.
Sony Vegas Movie Studio Full HD Platinum 10.0.191
Vegas Movie Studio Platinum HD 10 - video editor, which includes everything needed to create movies HD. Powerful compositing, color correction and instruments to create sound effects to help you get professional results in his home studio. Vegas Movie Studio interface allows the user to have everything you need at your fingertips without having to walk through menus to the call of a module or operation. The number of undo / redo action indefinitely. Recording Function CD, DVD and Blu-ray disc fully integrated into the video editor, so you can easily make drives the professional level.
Opportunities Vegas Movie Studio:
• Edit video in nearly any format, including HDV and AVCHD. Quick view on multimedia devices, and import files into the program without conversion.
• Edit video in real time with the preservation of information. Now, no matter what changes you make to your video and photos, the original files are stored in its original form.
• Automatic and additional color correction tools enhance tsvea and lackluster shots, eliminate differences in the color balance of video.
• The technology of image stabilization to compensate for camera shake and shifts, more than 400 professional 2D and 3D video effects, titles and filters.
• Tool "White Balance" will help set up the correct color, automatically adjusting the color video.
• Ability to work simultaneously with standard-definition video and high-definition video in a single project.
• View the effects and transitions in real time at full resolution on a computer monitor or on a secondary monitor.
• "Slide Show" enables you to quickly make dynamic slide show of images set in a few simple clicks.
• Burn DVD and Blu-ray discs directly from the timeline.
• Import multichannel source files from camcorders, including DVD and AVCHD Handycam model.
• Use mixing and panning tools to create surround sound.
• Encoding AC-3 stereo or 5.1, without leaving the program with built-in Dolby Digital AC-3 encoder.
• Tool audio restoration "allows you to remove clicks, pops and other noises from the music and audio clips to ensure a high quality soundtracks for your video project.
• Change the duration and synchronization of audio and video with maximum preservation of sound quality. Support for VST and DirectX plug-ins.
And much more ...
Fast, easy video editing, viewing the changes made in real time, easy to learn - those undeniable advantages, which should be addressed. In Vegas Movie Studio, is now doing much much faster and easier than in the professional video editor.
Saves: AAC, AC3, AA3, AIFF, AVC, AVI, BMP, FLAC, JPEG, LPEC, MP3, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, OGG, PCA, PNG, RealMedia ®, TIFF, QuickTime, W64 , WAV, WDP, WMA, WMV
Total Video Converter v3.71 x86-x64
Webcam and Screen Recorder
Ccleaner 3.08.1475 (Latest)
CCleanerCCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download.
Media Player Classic HomeCinema FULL ML
Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate v6.5.5.0426 x86-x64 Silent Installs
Xilisoft Video Converter is easy, fast, reliable, and loaded with features. It's capable of converting videos of all popular formats like AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, and audio MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG. Now you can convert video, audio, and animated images to play on your PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Xbox, Google phones, iPad and other digital multimedia devices. All made possible with Xilisoft Video Converter.
- Convert HD and SD video formats
- Convert between audio formats: MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC and so on
- Convert video to iPod, iPhone, PSP, PS3, Xbox, mobile phone, MP4 players, Google phones, Apple iPad
- Edit videos, clip/merge/split files, add watermarks/subtitles/soundtracks to videos
Supports over 150 video formats.
- High Definition. Supports converting HD videos (H.264/AVC, TS, AVCHD, MKV). Save time by converting in batches. Multi-core support means faster conversion.
- Customize Video Output. Crop video, apply artistic effects (Old Movie Effect, Black and White, etc), add subtitles/soundtracks/watermarks, merge files and add transitions, split video, adjust video file size, and much more!
- Convert Videos for Various Devices. Supports numerous devices such as iPod, iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Xbox, Creative Devices and more. Run in the background without conflict or slowing down.
High-Definition, Fast and Expert Conversion
- High-Definition Video Converter. Supports a wide range of HD video formats, Xilisoft Video Converter allows you to convert between multiform HD formats such as H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AVCHD Video (*.m2ts, *.mts), Apple TV h.264 720P, MKV, HD WMV, and MPEG2/MPEG-4 TS HD Video, as well as convert videos from HD to SD.
- Convert Videos with Super High Speed. Convert a video in an instant with multi-core CPU processing and set the number of cores for conversion to customize conversion speed.
- Video and Audio Conversion. Whether you are converting between multifarious video formats (such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, and FLV), audio formats (such as MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, MP2, and OGG), or extracting audio from a video, they can all be done in a matter of clicks.
- Transforming between Videos and Pictures. Produce a creative video from your favorite photos within minutes. Create a picture collection from your movies or fun videos as a souvenir/memento. View and enjoy them with your family and friends at your fingertips.
- Transfer Converted Video/Audio Files to Devices Directly. Convert and transfer video/audio files to iPod/iPhone/PSP in one quick step with Xilisoft Video Converter.
Great Film Clipper to Merge, Clip and Split Files
- Merge Several Files into One. Enjoy your video/audio/picture collections differently by merging several of them together; add transitions between every two videos/pictures for enhanced viewing.
- Clip Segments from Video. Clip your favorite sections of a video and merge them together to make the video you want.
- Split a Single File into Several. Is a file too large for your iPod, iPhone, PSP, or mobile phone? Simply split it into several files to make it fit onto your multimedia device exactly.
Special Effects to Individualize Videos
- Crop Frame Size to Retain What You Want. Crop the picture frame of a video to remove any unwanted areas from it using this video converter like a pair of smart scissors.
- Adjust Video Settings and Add Special Effects. Adjust video brightness/saturation/contrast. Add artistic effects such as old film, gray, oil painting or canvas to make your video look special.
- Add Watermarks to Video. Personalize your video with multiple picture and/or text watermarks added.
- Create Video with Subtitles. Add subtitles to your video and adjust their relative transparencies and positions.
- Create Video with Soundtrack. Dub your video with your own voice or any soundtrack you fancy.
Professional Settings and Optimized Profiles
- Optimized Conversion Profiles. Comes with optimized and classified conversion profiles for a wide range of multimedia devices. Customize an existing profile and saved it as your own.
- Rich Parameter Settings. Adjust general video, audio, picture and tag parameters such as start time, duration, video size, video/audio/picture quality, audio channel, split size, image capture interval, ID3 tag info and much more. More advanced parameters are available for professional users.
- Convert a File into Several Formats Simultaneously. Select a variety of output formats for a source, and let Xilisoft Video Converter do the rest.
- Determine Output File Size. Compute the output file size precisely with the aid of Xilisoft Video Converter's Bitrate Calculator.
Simple, Quick and Convenient
- Video Preview. Preview the original and the edited files side-by-side for easy comparison.
- Convert Files in Batches. Xilisoft Video Converter can convert multiple files simultaneously with multi-threading and batch processing.
- Extra Conveniences. Automatically keeps your software updated with the latest features; multiple skins and language interfaces offered; run the application in the background to save CPU resources.
Note: Complete silent installers and registered